The feedback regarding the general layout, look and function of the new website has been very positive and everyone said Annie has done a great job. The new website is easy to navigate and everyone said they like the new layout and look. The new design also works better on mobile phones.
Could an entry for the Gallery be added to the main navigation menu? We could then move Gallery Exhibition to the Gallery submenu and also include information about future exhibitions.
I have added ‘Gallery’ to the main navigation. On the current website however, there is nothing on the Gallery page which says anything which is not available under Exhibitions. On the new site, I have now added a Current Exhibition page under Exhibitions which can repeat the content which is already on the front page, or add more detail. Bear in mind that it is double handling for the website person.
Also, as the Gallery is a key responsibility for RAS according to our lease, on the ‘Home’ page could ‘Our Current Exhibition’ be moved above the section with the three boxes and could the Gallery be added to the section with the three boxes ‘Classes’, ‘Workshops’, ‘Gallery Shop’?
I think this is a bad idea. When visitors come to your website, you need them to find what you offer, and while you offer Exhibitions this can be found from the top menu. When I found your website, I was looking for classes and workshops and Joining information
There are two types of exhibitions: exhibitions by artists who’ve contracted the Gallery (not necessarily members) and members’ exhibitions, the latter having been an important part of RAS since it’s inception. RASart, the premier members’ exhibition, is in the Redcliffe Gallery, not the Fire Station Gallery. Could member’s exhibitions be added to the main menu (maybe that’s what ‘Exhibitions’ becomes)? We also need to be able to add the ability to download the Terms and Conditions and Entry Forms.
We would like to mention members exhibitions on the ‘Join Us’ page, maybe ‘Sell Art becomes ‘Exhibit & Sell Art’?
Could the ‘Articles’ page be changed to ‘Blog’ and moved to a submenu for one of the other main menu entries or added as a box on the home page?
We also currently have a link to the quarterly brochure on the ‘Home’ page, would that be possible?
All the pages on the ‘About’ page submenu include the main menu repeated vertically on the right hand side (titled ‘Information’), followed by ‘RAS Documents’. This is a good addition, is it standard practice?
Can the RAS Documents section be added to the ‘Gallery’ and ‘Gallery Shop’ pages and the ‘JOIN US’ page? The right hand ‘Information’ menu and RAS documents are also included on the ‘Articles’ page. Would it make sense to include it on other pages?
On the ‘Classes’ page the colour-coded class schedule and drop down selections are helpful for navigation. The overlapping/overlays are a bit distracting/confusing. The ability to download the schedule as a .pdf is a good addition. Also could we add the ability for people to access more tutor and class information?
On the ‘Workshops’ page it would be good to be able to download the requirements for each workshop as a .pdf and to include a link to the workshop presenter’s website or alternatively download information about the presenter as a .pdf. Perhaps using a format similar to one used in the newsletter or quarterly brochure would be helpful or Valerie may be able make suggestions.
Although Deb explained that Annie had updated the RAS logo to be in keeping with the updated look of the website and that the website logo doesn’t have to be the same as the one used everywhere else, the committee would like the current logo to be used.
Although the committee appreciates that Annie has enabled the capability to use the Paypal plugin, at this time the treasurer is not prepared to take on processing memberships from the website. The committee would like to preserve the functionality but remove the visible option so that it could be enabled at a future date.
Could we convert the top image on the ‘Home’ page to a slide show so we can add multiple images?
We should include that the site is hosted by Ambient, Deb anticipates she can simply add this to the footer?
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